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Directors’ biographies
Dennis Stormer
Dennis Stormer grew up in Kiel, Germany, and worked mainly in different theatre groups before moving into film. Stormer went to Frankfurt in 2009, in order to work for the German Film Institute and goEast Film Festival. In 2010 he moved to Berlin, working as a freelancing director and writer for the film magazine Negative. He studied fiction direction at the Film Academy Ludwigsburg starting in 2012. Stormer also studied directing and visual arts at Columbia University in New York starting in 2014.
Anda Puşcaş
Anda Puşcaş is a director and cinematographer based in Bucharest, Romania, with training in cinematography at the National University of Theatre and Film. She directed STREMT 89 (2012) and was selected to participate in Berlinale Talents 2013 and Talents Sarajevo 2015. You can find her work at www.eatusalive.com.