Directors’ biographies
Judith Beuth
Judith Beuth (born 1983 in Thuringia/GDR) moved to East Berlin in 1989, and later on traveled and worked in former Yugoslavia, Romania and St. Petersburg, Russia. She studied directing at the film academy “Konrad Wolf” in Potsdam-Babelsberg until 2012 and made documentary and short films in St. Petersburg, Teheran, the Uckermark and Berlin. Her latest projects include a long-term documentary about a lesbian couple fulfilling their wish to have a baby and a collective film about the “rebellion of conscience” in today’s Germany. Besides that, she occasionally gives film workshops.
Jasmin Brutus
Jasmin Brutus is a documentary photographer living in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and has been working for major domestic and international newspapers and magazines. He has received several grants including Ex-changes, sponsored by the German government and SEE New Perspectives supported by World Press Photo and Robert Bosch Stiftung. Lately, Jasmin has been interested in shooting personal stories, videography and documentary filmmaking.